I Thirst
Happy Thursday friends! I hope that you all had a fantastic long weekend. If you’re like me, you probably feel a day behind this week. While I love a three-day weekend, oftentimes I feel it is never quite long enough.
I have been reading through Jeremiah lately and earlier this week I began reading in chapter 29. While reading this chapter, I quickly fell in love with verses 12-14. Looking in the crossreference section in my bible, I was led to Isaiah 55:6. Typically when I read a crossreference, I read the whole chapter to fully understand the context. Shortly after reading Isaiah 55, I began feeling God telling me to hold off on what I had intended of writing about for today and instead discuss the contents of this chapter
In reading Isaiah 55, I want to begin in the first two verses. The chapter begins with an invitation, “every one who thirsts”. God’s grace is provided to all, but those who are living on their own strength will never look for it. As Jesus says in the New Testament, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17). If we are not thirsty for the things of the Lord, we will never drink from the true and living water that God provides.
The latter part of verse one talks about those who see their greatest need as spiritual, not physical. We often spend more time focusing on the momentary and not the eternal. If the use of our money, earthly goals, and focus is not on things that are of God, if we spend our resources on things that in the end will not satisfy us here on Earth, what or who are we truly wanting for? The danger is in letting those things consume our lives and our thoughts, rather than letting the things of God consume our thoughts. The provision has already been made for us. We do not need to waste our time and resources here on earth on things that will not matter once we get to Heaven.
At the end of the second verse, we are faced with a powerful call. We are called to listen, eat what is good, and delight in abundance. Fast-forwarding to verses six and seven, we see a continuation of this call. “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon Him while He is near.” When we accept Christ into our hearts, our thoughts and hearts are inclined to look for and seek him.
I want to end with looking verses seven through nine. This section of scripture gives me so much comfort. If you know me, you know that I am a planner! I love getting to write in my planner each and every week, placing stickers and sticky notes, and color coordinating my whole week. Seeing the intricacy and the perfectly laid out plans for the week brings me so much happiness and ease of mind! When something comes up that is not in my schedule already, I get antsy. When a certain plan doesn’t go according to my plan, I freak out. It really is disheartening that my first action is not to stop and talk to God about it. Instead, I complain, grumble, or even discredit God. If you read verse nine, you see that scripture clearly lays out that God’s plans and thoughts are higher than ours. He has a birdseye view into our lives and hearts because he created them.
I am not sure where you are at spiritually. I truly believe that no matter where you are with your walk, no matter if you are trying to figure out this whole “Christian thing”, if you are reconnecting with God, or if you are a faithful follower of God. I hope this chapter of Scripture really speaks to you as it has to me. I am learning to trust God with all moments and areas of my life. It is not always easy for anyone. I will be the first to tell you that I fail daily, but I have a God who loves me daily regardless of how many times I fail him. The same God pursues me daily, even when I fail to pursue him.
Have a great rest of your week friends! We are all very blessed to have each of you journeying along with us!
- Courtney F.