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Take a Break... It's Okay.

Hello gang, Courtney here!

As I am sure you all have noticed, I have not been posting lately. Honestly, I have been struggling with many different things. In the past few weeks, I felt that I was not in a place where I could really write from my heart and tell you the things that I wanted to say. I felt God telling me that I need to focus on myself before I can focus on ministering to others on this platform. I struggled with this decision, really struggled. I never knew just how much I would fall in love writing to you all each week! Truthfully though, the more I prayed, the more it became clear that I needed to be silent.

Through this time of my silence, I truly began to notice God in a different light. Since starting this blog, I would spend time with God almost to just check off a box, or even hoping that I would be able to write some prophetic blog post. My time with God seemed to be so empty and that emptiness was heavier than you could ever imagine. It is almost like I was trying to force God to show me something, rather than actually listening to what He was really trying to teach me. I began searching topics that I hoped would bring in the masses, rather than loving the few.

Looking through scripture, I noticed several verses that talked about the importance of silence. Specifically in Ecclesiastes, I noticed this in two separate chapters, 3 and 9, and those verses are posted below.

Another passage of scripture that I noticed was in the book of Luke when Zechariah was told by the angel Gabriel that he and his wife would have a son in their old age. Zechariah questioned the angel and asked how it was possible considering his age. Going to the end of the chapter, we see that he was silent for months up until it was time for their child to be named. Once it was time for Zechariah to help name John, we see that his mouth was open and he immediately began praising God!

In my silence, I learned many things. Being silent and taking a break is always acceptable. Listening to God when you are overwhelmed is always the best medicine and sometimes the hardest. Prayer and communication with the Lord is something that I hope that I never take for granted. There are so many other things that I learned in the last few weeks, that I am still trying my best to apply to my daily life. I hope that in the next few weeks you all will join me in growing in Christ!

Thank you all for following along with Abby in the last few weeks! We are all so blessed to have each and every one of you all following!!

-Courtney F.


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